Summary of the Recommended 2030 Targets and 2050 Goals

Habitat Type

Current Extent

2030 Target

2030 Target to go

2050 Goal

2050 Goal to go


Hard Bottom

429 ac

>423 ac

>423 ac

Artificial Reefs

217 ac

>166 ac

>166 ac

Tidal Flats

24,180 ac

16,220 ac

16,220 ac


30,137 ac

>40,000 ac

9,863 ac

>40,000 ac

9,863 ac

Oyster Bars

230 ac

221 ac

471 ac

241 ac


Total Intertidal

20,649 ac

21,353 ac

704 ac

23,803 ac

3,154 ac

Mangrove Forests

15,485 ac

>15,300 ac

>15,300 ac

Salt Barrens

575 ac

546 ac

796 ac

221 ac

Salt Marshes

4,588 ac

4,807 ac

219 ac

5,457 ac

869 ac

Living Shorelines

11 mi

21 mi

10 mi

56 mi

45 mi

Tidal Tributaries

387 mi

391 mi

4 mi

405 mi

18 mi


Coastal Uplands

3,638 ac

3,769 ac

131 ac

4,219 ac

581 ac

Non-Forested Freshwater Wetlands

69,494 ac

68,937 ac

71,787 ac

2,293 ac

Forested Freshwater Wetlands

151,925 ac

152,282 ac

357 ac

152,732 ac

807 ac

Native Uplands

141,179 ac

141,050 ac

142,100 ac

921 ac