Complete transect data (trantab.csv): Minimally
altered raw transect data for every transect and site (quadrat) along
each transect.
- Date: Sample date in YYYY-MM-DD
- Transect: Transect name
- Site: Quadrat location along each transect, meters
- Depth: Site depth, meters. Should be negative values below
the water surface.
- Savspecies: Relevant seagrass genus, also includes AA
(attached algae, multiple types including Caulerpa), DA (drift algae),
and no cover
- SeagrassEdge: Depth of seagrass edge, cm
- var: Measured variable, one of abundance, blade length, or
short shoot density
- aveval: Average value for the measured variable (multiple
quadrats at a site depending on variable), unitless if abundance, cm if
blade length, shoots per square meter if short shoot density
- sdval: Standard deviation for the measured variable, same
units as in aveval
Summarized frequency occurrence data
(tranocctab.csv): Summarized data at each transect and date,
aggregating information across sites (quadrats).
- Date: Sample date in YYYY-MM-DD
- Transect: Transect name
- Savspecies: Relevant seagrass genus, also includes AA
(attached algae), DA (drift algae), and no cover
- nsites: Number of sites (quadrats) at each transect/date,
repeated across rows
- foest: Frequency occurrence estimate for the whole transect
for the species, from 0 - 1
- bbest: Abundance (Braun-Blaunquet) average across sites
(quadrats) for the species, from 0 - 5