class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # OPEN SCIENCE INDICATOR PRODUCTS: WATER QUALITY AND TIDAL TRIBUTARIES ###
Dr. Marcus Beck
### TAMPA BAY ESTUARY PROGRAM ### 1/15/2020 --- class: middle, center #
Open data #
Open process #
Open products --- class: middle, center ## THE LOW HANGING CCMP INDICATORS <img src="figure/tree.png" width="30%" /> .pull-left[ ### WATER QUALITY REPORT CARD ] .pull-right[ ### TIDAL CREEK ASSESSMENT ] --- class: middle, center # FOR EVERY INDICATOR, A NEW WORKFLOW --- class: top, center ## THE OLD WAY <img src="figure/badflow1.png" width="100%" /> --- class: top, center ## THE OLD WAY <img src="figure/badflow2.png" width="100%" /> --- class: top, center ## THE OLD WAY * Hefty license fees for software * Time consuming and prone to error * Opaque, disconnected, and undiscoverable workflow * Missed opportunities to engage the broader community --- class: top, center ## THE NEW WAY <img src="figure/flow1.png" width="100%" /> --- class: top, center ## THE NEW WAY <img src="figure/flow2.png" width="100%" /> --- class: top, center ## THE NEW WAY <img src="figure/flow3.png" width="100%" /> --- class: top, center ## THE NEW WAY * Transparent and reproducible methods * Discoverable products that can engage others * Automated data QAQC and integration with reporting * New front-facing web products, both static and interactive --- class: top, center ## THE NEW WAY <img src="figure/flow3.png" width="100%" /> --- class: top, center ## TBEPTOOLS R PACKAGE * Import raw data, estimate indicators, and report outcomes * Foundational methods for indicator reporting * Freely available on GitHub for anyone to view source code, download for use, and make requests for additions --- class: top, center ## WEBSITE <img src="figure/tbeptools.PNG" width="100%" /> []( --- class: top, center ## FUNCTION REFERENCES <img src="figure/tbeptoolsref.PNG" width="100%" /> --- class: top, center ## DOCUMENTATION <img src="figure/tbeptoolsdoc.PNG" width="100%" /> --- class: top, center ## VIGNETTES <img src="figure/tbeptoolsvig.PNG" width="100%" /> --- class: top, center ## SOURCE CODE <img src="figure/tbeptoolssrc.PNG" width="100%" /> --- class: middle, left .center[ ## IT'S SUPER SIMPLE... ] ```r library(tbeptools) xlsx <- 'data/2019_Results_updated.xls' ecpdata <- read_importwq(xlsx, download_latest_epchc = TRUE) show_thrplot(epcdata, bay_segment = "OTB", thr = "chla") ``` <img src="opensci_products_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-14-1.png" width="80%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- class: top, center ## TBEPTOOLS IS THE FOUNDATION <img src="figure/flow3.png" width="100%" /> --- class: top, center ## WATER QUALITY REPORT CARD .pull-left[ <img src="figure/wqstatic1.PNG" width="100%" /> ] .pull-right[ <img src="figure/wqstatic2.PNG" width="100%" /> ] --- class: top, center ## WATER QUALITY DASHBOARD <video width="100%" controls> <source src="media/wqdemo.mp4" type = "video/mp4" controls> </video> []( --- class: top, center ## TIDAL CREEK ASSESSMENT .pull-left[ <img src="figure/tidalcreekreport1.PNG" width="100%" /> ] .pull-right[ <img src="figure/tidalcreekreport2.PNG" width="100%" /> ] --- class: top, left .center[ ## TIDAL CREEK ASSESSMENT ] ### Creeks assigned to categories within a management framework: <span style="color:#33FF3B; text-shadow: 0 0 3px #333;">__Target__</span>: At or below nitrogen concentrations that protect individual creek types within the larger population of creeks. <span style="color:#F9FF33; text-shadow: 0 0 3px #333;">__Caution__</span>: A site-specific early warning concentration that an individual creek may be trending towards a eutrophic condition and can help prioritize where management actions should begin to identify actions to prevent a threshold exceedance. <span style="color:#FFA500; text-shadow: 0 0 3px #333;">__Action__</span>: A concentration indicating a management action level that identifies a potential degradation point as an impetus to develop site-specific management actions. <span style="color:#FF3333; text-shadow: 0 0 3px #333;">__Threshold__</span>: A concentration indicating that regulatory actions are needed to confirm the impairment and identify remediative actions for the creek watershed. --- class: top, left .center[ ## IT'S SUPER SIMPLE... ] ```r results <- anlz_tdlcrk(tidalcreeks, iwrraw) results ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 581 x 9 ## id wbid JEI class target caution action threshold score ## <int> <chr> <chr> <chr> <int> <int> <int> <int> <chr> ## 1 1 2052 CC01 3M NA NA NA NA No Data ## 2 2 1983B CC01 2 NA NA NA NA No Data ## 3 3 1983B CC02 2 1 NA NA NA Green ## 4 4 2067 CC02 3M 1 NA NA NA Green ## 5 5 1983B CC03 2 NA NA NA NA No Data ## 6 6 2068 CC03 3M NA NA NA NA No Data ## 7 7 2078A CC04 2 2 NA NA NA Green ## 8 8 2078B CC05 2 2 NA NA NA Green ## 9 9 2078A CC05 2 NA NA NA NA No Data ## 10 10 2065C CC06 2 NA NA NA NA No Data ## # ... with 571 more rows ``` --- class: top, left .center[ ## IT'S SUPER SIMPLE... ] ```r show_tdlcrk(results) ```