Calculate DPS reuse and end of pipe loads from raw facility data
Calculate DPS reuse and end of pipe loads from raw facility data
data frame with loading data for TP, TN, TSS, and BOD as tons per month and hydro load as million cubic meters per month. Information for each entity, facility, and outfall is retained.
Input data should include flow as million gallons per day, and conc as mg/L. Steps include:
Multiply flow by day in month to get million gallons per month
Multiply flow by 3785.412 to get cubic meters per month
Multiply conc by flow and divide by 1000 to get kg var per month
Multiply m3 by 1000 to get L, then divide by 1e6 to convert mg to kg, same as dividing by 1000
TN, TP, TSS, BOD dps reuse is multiplied by attenuation factor for land application (varies by location)
Hydro load (m3 / mo) is also attenuated for the reuse, multiplied by 0.6 (40% attenuation)
fls <- list.files(system.file('extdata/', package = 'tbeploads'),
pattern = 'ps_dom', full.names = TRUE)
#> # A tibble: 144 × 11
#> Year Month entity facility coastco source tn_load tp_load tss_load bod_load
#> <int> <int> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 2021 1 Clearw… City of… 387 D-001 0.862 6.04 0.452 1.14
#> 2 2021 2 Clearw… City of… 387 D-001 1.37 1.15 0.553 2.87
#> 3 2021 3 Clearw… City of… 387 D-001 1.70 0.575 0.982 3.31
#> 4 2021 4 Clearw… City of… 387 D-001 0.344 0.0801 0.105 0.656
#> 5 2021 5 Clearw… City of… 387 D-001 1.09 0.460 0.603 2.23
#> 6 2021 6 Clearw… City of… 387 D-001 0.641 0.435 0.248 0.588
#> 7 2021 7 Clearw… City of… 387 D-001 0.667 0.183 0.360 1.33
#> 8 2021 8 Clearw… City of… 387 D-001 0.138 0.164 0.0601 0.327
#> 9 2021 9 Clearw… City of… 387 D-001 0.421 1.63 0.281 0.655
#> 10 2021 10 Clearw… City of… 387 D-001 1.15 0.217 0.563 0.666
#> # ℹ 134 more rows
#> # ℹ 1 more variable: hy_load <dbl>