Prep Verna Wellfield data for use in AD calculations
Prep Verna Wellfield data for use in AD calculations
A data frame with total nitrogen and phosphorus estimates as mg/l for each year and month of the input data
Raw data can be obtained from https://nadp.slh.wisc.edu/sites/ntn-FL41/ as monthly observations. Total nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations are estimated from ammonium and nitrate concentrations (mg/L) using the following relationships:
$$TN = NH_4^+ * 0.78 + NO_3^- * 0.23$$ $$TP = 0.01262 * TN + 0.00110$$
The first equation corrects for the % of ions in ammonium and nitrate that is N, and the second is a regression relationship between TBADS TN and TP, applied to Verna.
fl <- system.file('extdata/verna-raw.csv', package = 'tbeploads')
#> # A tibble: 72 × 4
#> Year Month TNConc TPConc
#> <int> <int> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 2017 1 0.253 0.00429
#> 2 2017 2 0.214 0.00380
#> 3 2017 3 0.170 0.00324
#> 4 2017 4 0.367 0.00573
#> 5 2017 5 0.582 0.00844
#> 6 2017 6 0.190 0.00349
#> 7 2017 7 0.225 0.00394
#> 8 2017 8 0.124 0.00266
#> 9 2017 9 0.0829 0.00215
#> 10 2017 10 0.0485 0.00171
#> # ℹ 62 more rows