Water quality

Get the lesson R script: wq.R

Get the lesson data: download zip

Goals and motivation

This module will provide you with background into the structure of the peptools R package and how to use functions in this package to read, analyze, and plot water quality indicators for the Peconic Estuary Program. You should be able to answer these questions at the end of this session:

  • What is the peptools package and how are the functions setup?
  • How can I use the peptools package to import water quality data?
  • What functions are available for summarizing water quality data?
  • What functions are available for plotting water quality data?

peptools overview

The peptools package was developed as a set of functions to read, analyze, and plot water quality data relevant for the PEP. the package source code lives on GitHub. A website that includes function references and full documentation is also provided. The following shows all functions provided in peptools, organized by prefix.


  • read_pepdo(): Import dissolved oxygen data

  • read_pepwq(): Load local water quality file

  • read_pepent(): Load Enterococcus beach data file


  • anlz_attainpep(): Get attainment categories

  • anlz_dodlypep(): Analyze daily DO values relative to threshold

  • anlz_domopep(): Analyze monthly DO values relative to threshold

  • anlz_entpep(): Count beach exceedances for enterococcus

  • anlz_medpep(): Estimate annual medians


  • show_boxpep(): Plot monthly chlorophyll or secchi depth values for a bay segment

  • show_entmatrix(): Create a colorized table for beach closure reporting

  • show_matrixpep(): Create a colorized table for indicator reporting

  • show_reactablepep(): Create a reactable table for reporting matrices, used internally only

  • show_sitemappep(): Map water quality data for a selected year

  • show_thrpep(): Plot annual water quality values and thresholds for a bay segment

  • show_plotlypep(): Plot chlorophyll and secchi data together with matrix outcomes

  • show_wqmatrixpep(): Create a colorized table for chlorophyll or secchi exceedances

  • show_segmatrixpep(): Create a colorized table for water quality outcomes and exceedances by segment

Basic use

Before we use the package, we’ll load it into our current R session as follows. We’ll also load the mapview package. You should have already installed these packages in the previous lesson.


The package includes a pepstations data object that includes metadata for each station, including lat/lon and bay segment.

## # A tibble: 46 x 5
##    BayStation StationName         bay_segment Longitude Latitude
##  * <chr>      <chr>               <fct>           <dbl>    <dbl>
##  1 60280      Peconic River       Western         -72.7     40.9
##  2 60275      Peconic River       Western         -72.7     40.9
##  3 60270      Peconic River       Western         -72.6     40.9
##  4 60265      Peconic River       Western         -72.6     40.9
##  5 60266      Peconic River       Western         -72.6     40.9
##  6 60260      Peconic River       Western         -72.6     40.9
##  7 60250      Sawmill Creek       Western         -72.6     40.9
##  8 60240      Peconic River Mouth Western         -72.6     40.9
##  9 60230      Terrys Creek        Western         -72.6     40.9
## 10 60210      Reeves Bay          Western         -72.6     40.9
## # ... with 36 more rows

The pepseg data object also included with the package shows the polygons for the bay segments. These data are included as a geographic data object, so they can be viewed with the mapview package.
