ABMAgency on Bay Management
ACPArea Contingency Plan
AISAutomatic Identification System
ASRAquifer Storage and Recovery
ATONAids To Navigation
AWTAdvanced Wastewater Treatment
BASISBay Area Science and Information Symposium
BPABisphenol A
BMAPBasin Management Action Plan
BMPBest Management Practice
BODBiochemical Oxygen Demand
BRACEBay Region Atmospheric Chemistry Experiment
CACCommunity Advisory Committee (TBEP)
CAFECorporate Average Fuel Economy
CAFOConcentrated Animal Feeding Operation
CARESCounty Alliance for Responsible Environmental Stewardship
CCHACritical Coastal Habitat Assessment
CCMPComprehensive Conservation and Management Plan
CHNEPCoastal and Heartland National Estuary Partnership
CISMACooperative Invasive Species Management Area
COCContaminant of Concern
CREClimate Ready Estuaries
CSAPTampa Bay Climate Science Advisory Panel
CVISCooperative Vessel Tracking Service
CWAClean Water Act
CWACritical Wildlife Area (FWC)
DMMADredged Material Management Areas
DMMPDredged Material Management Plan
DMRDischarge Monitoring Report
EDCEndocrine Disrupting Compound
ELAPPEnvironmental Lands Acquisition and Protection Program
EPAUnited States Environmental Protection Agency
EPCHCEnvironmental Protection Commission of Hillsborough County
ERPEnvironmental Resource Permit
EzDMRElectronic Discharge Monitoring Reporting system
FACFlorida Administrative Code
FARMSFacilitating Agricultural Resource Management System
FDACSFlorida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services
FDEPFlorida Department of Environmental Protection
FDOHFlorida Department of Health
FDOTFlorida Department of Transportation
FIMFisheries Independent Monitoring Program
FIOFlorida Institute of Oceanography
FNMPFlorida Master Naturalist Program
FOGFats, Oils and Grease
FPLFlorida Power and Light
FWCFlorida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission
FWRIFish and Wildlife Research Institute
FY&NFlorida Yards and Neighborhoods
GCOOSGulf of Mexico Coastal Ocean Observing System
GISGeographic Information System
GOMAGulf of Mexico Alliance
GPRAGovernment Performance and Results Act
HABHarmful Algal Bloom
HBMPHydro-Biological Monitoring Program
IRLIndian River Lagoon
ISMPImperiled Species Management Plan
KTTBKeep Tampa Bay Beautiful
LEPCLocal Emergency Planning Committee
LIDLow Impact Development
MACManatee Awareness Committee
MFLMinimum Flows and Levels
MGDMillion Gallons Per Day
MPOMetropolitan Planning Organization
NFWFNational Fish and Wildlife Foundation
NGONon-Governmental Organization
NIHNational Institutes of Health
NMFSNational Marine Fisheries Service
NSFNational Science Foundation
NOAANational Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
NOxNitrogen Oxide
NPDESNational Pollutant Discharge Elimination System
OAOcean Acidification
OAWPOffice of Agricultural Water Policy
PAHPolycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon
PBDEPolybrominated Diphenyl Ether
PCBPolychlorinated Biphenols
PFASPer- and polyfluoroalkyl substances
PORTSPhysical Oceanographic Real-Time System
PPCPPharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products
PRFPollution Recovery Fund
PSAPublic Service Announcement
RAReasonable Assurance document
REDDyIntroduced Reptile Early Detection and Documentation
RIBRapid Infiltration Basin
RSMRegional Sediment Management
SBEPSarasota Bay Estuary Program
SHARPSouth Hillsborough Aquifer Recharge Project
SLRSea Level Rise
SQAPSediment Quality Action Plan
SSOSanitary Sewer Overflow
SWFWMDSouthwest Florida Water Management District
SWIMSurface Water Improvement and Management Plan
TACTechnical Advisory Committee (TBEP)
TAPTampa Augmentation Project
TBARTATampa Bay Area Regional Transit Authority
TBBITampa Bay Benthic Index
TBERFTampa Bay Environmental Restoration Fund
TBEPTampa Bay Estuary Program
TBNEPTampa Bay National Estuary Program
TBNMCTampa Bay Nitrogen Management Consortium
TBRPCTampa Bay Regional Planning Council
TBWTampa Bay Watch or Tampa Bay Water
TECOTampa Electric Company
THSSCTampa Bay Harbor Safety and Security Committee
TMDLTotal Maximum Daily Load
TNTotal Nitrogen
TPTotal Phosphorus
TSSTotal Suspended Solids
UCFUniversity of Central Florida
UFUniversity of Florida
UF/IFASUniversity of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences
USACEU.S. Army Corps of Engineers
USCGUnited States Coast Guard
USFUniversity of South Florida
USFWSUnited States Fish and Wildlife Service
USGSUnited States Geological Survey
WWTPWastewater Treatment Plant

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