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Evaluate Habitat Master Plan progress for report card


anlz_hmpreport(acres, subtacres, hmptrgs)



data.frame for intertidal and supratidal land use and cover of habitat types for each year of data


data.frame for subtidal cover of habitat types for each year of data


data.frame of Habitat Master Plan targets and goals


A summarized data.frame appropriate for creating a report card


The relevant output columns are targeteval and goaleval that indicate numeric values as -1 (target not met, trending below), 0 (target met, trending below), 0.5 (target not met, trending above), and 1 (target met, trending above).

Columns in the output are as follows:

  • year: Year of the assessment

  • metric :Habitat type assessed

  • Acres: Coverage estimate for the year

  • lacres: Coverage estimate for the previous set of available data

  • lyr: Year for the previous set of available data

  • category: Strata for the habitat type

  • Target: 2030 target for the habitat type from the Habitat Master Plan

  • Goal: 2050 goal for the habitat type from the Habitat Master Plan

  • acresdiff: Difference in acres for the current year and the previous set of available data

  • yeardiff: Difference in years for the current year and the previous set of available data

  • changerate: Acreage change per year for the current year relative to the previous set of available data

  • targetrate: Annual rate required to achieve the 2030 target

  • goalrate: Annual rate required to achieve the 2050 goal

  • targetprop: Proportion of target met for the current year

  • goalprop: Proportion of goal met for the current year

  • targeteval: A number indicating target status of the current year for the report card

  • goaleval: A number indicating goal status of the current year for the report card

The numbers in targeteval and goaleval are one of four values as -1, 0, 0.5, and 1. These numbers define the status for the assessment year:

  • -1: target or goal not met, trending below

  • 0: target or goal met, trending below

  • 0.5: target or goal not met, trending above

  • 1: target or goal met, trending above


# view summarized data for report card
anlz_hmpreport(acres, subtacres, hmptrgs)
#> # A tibble: 150 × 17
#>     year metric      Acres lacres   lyr category Target  Goal acresdiff yeardiff
#>    <dbl> <chr>       <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl> <fct>     <dbl> <dbl>     <dbl>    <dbl>
#>  1  1990 Seagrasses 25218. 23279.  1988 Subtidal  40000 40000     1939.        2
#>  2  1990 Tidal Fla… 20433. 21686.  1988 Subtidal  16220 16220    -1253.        2
#>  3  1992 Seagrasses 25746. 25218.  1990 Subtidal  40000 40000      528.        2
#>  4  1992 Tidal Fla… 20594. 20433.  1990 Subtidal  16220 16220      161.        2
#>  5  1994 Seagrasses 26524. 25746.  1992 Subtidal  40000 40000      778.        2
#>  6  1994 Tidal Fla… 20244. 20594.  1992 Subtidal  16220 16220     -349.        2
#>  7  1996 Seagrasses 26924. 26524.  1994 Subtidal  40000 40000      400.        2
#>  8  1996 Tidal Fla… 20443. 20244.  1994 Subtidal  16220 16220      199.        2
#>  9  1999 Seagrasses 24840. 26924.  1996 Subtidal  40000 40000    -2083.        3
#> 10  1999 Tidal Fla… 27085. 20443.  1996 Subtidal  16220 16220     6642.        3
#> # ℹ 140 more rows
#> # ℹ 7 more variables: changerate <dbl>, targetrate <dbl>, goalrate <dbl>,
#> #   targetprop <dbl>, goalprop <dbl>, targeteval <dbl>, goaleval <dbl>