Get sediment PEL ratios at stations in Tampa Bay
- sedimentdata
input sediment
as returned byread_importsediment
- yrrng
numeric vector indicating min, max years to include, use single year for one year of data
- bay_segment
chr string for the bay segment, one to many of "HB", "OTB", "MTB", "LTB", "TCB", "MR", "BCB"
- funding_proj
chr string for the funding project, one to many of "TBEP" (default), "TBEP-Special", "Apollo Beach", "Janicki Contract", "Rivers", "Tidal Streams"
Average PEL ratios for all contaminants graded from A to F for benthic stations monitored in Tampa Bay are estimated. The PEL is a measure of how likely a contaminant is to have a toxic effect on invertebrates that inhabit the sediment. The PEL ratio is the contaminant concentration divided by the Potential Effects Levels (PEL) that applies to a contaminant, if available. Higher ratios and lower grades indicate sediment conditions that are likely unfavorable for invertebrates. The station average combines the PEL ratios across all contaminants measured at a station and the grade applies to the average.
The grade breaks for the PEL ratio are 0.00756, 0.02052, 0.08567, and 0.28026, with lower grades assigned to the higher breaks.
#> # A tibble: 2,277 × 7
#> yr AreaAbbr StationNumber Latitude Longitude PELRatio Grade
#> <int> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <fct>
#> 1 1993 HB 93HB15 27.8 -82.4 0.0157 B
#> 2 1993 HB 93HB16 27.8 -82.5 0.0261 C
#> 3 1993 HB 93HB23 27.9 -82.4 0.0174 B
#> 4 1993 LTB 93LTB24 27.7 -82.6 0.0124 B
#> 5 1993 LTB 93LTB25 27.6 -82.6 0.0189 B
#> 6 1993 LTB 93LTB26 27.6 -82.7 0.00997 B
#> 7 1993 LTB 93LTB27 27.6 -82.7 0.0125 B
#> 8 1993 LTB 93LTB28 27.6 -82.7 0.0887 D
#> 9 1993 LTB 93LTB29 27.6 -82.6 0.0350 C
#> 10 1993 LTB 93LTB30 27.6 -82.6 0.0496 C
#> # ℹ 2,267 more rows