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Get sediment PEL ratios at stations in Tampa Bay


  yrrng = c(1993, 2023),
  bay_segment = c("HB", "OTB", "MTB", "LTB", "TCB", "MR", "BCB"),
  funding_proj = "TBEP"



input sediment data.frame as returned by read_importsediment


numeric vector indicating min, max years to include, use single year for one year of data


chr string for the bay segment, one to many of "HB", "OTB", "MTB", "LTB", "TCB", "MR", "BCB"


chr string for the funding project, one to many of "TBEP" (default), "TBEP-Special", "Apollo Beach", "Janicki Contract", "Rivers", "Tidal Streams"


A data.frame object with average PEL ratios and grades at each station


Average PEL ratios for all contaminants graded from A to F for benthic stations monitored in Tampa Bay are estimated. The PEL is a measure of how likely a contaminant is to have a toxic effect on invertebrates that inhabit the sediment. The PEL ratio is the contaminant concentration divided by the Potential Effects Levels (PEL) that applies to a contaminant, if available. Higher ratios and lower grades indicate sediment conditions that are likely unfavorable for invertebrates. The station average combines the PEL ratios across all contaminants measured at a station and the grade applies to the average.

The grade breaks for the PEL ratio are 0.00756, 0.02052, 0.08567, and 0.28026, with lower grades assigned to the higher breaks.


#> # A tibble: 2,277 × 7
#>       yr AreaAbbr StationNumber Latitude Longitude PELRatio Grade
#>    <int> <chr>    <chr>            <dbl>     <dbl>    <dbl> <fct>
#>  1  1993 HB       93HB15            27.8     -82.4  0.0157  B    
#>  2  1993 HB       93HB16            27.8     -82.5  0.0261  C    
#>  3  1993 HB       93HB23            27.9     -82.4  0.0174  B    
#>  4  1993 LTB      93LTB24           27.7     -82.6  0.0124  B    
#>  5  1993 LTB      93LTB25           27.6     -82.6  0.0189  B    
#>  6  1993 LTB      93LTB26           27.6     -82.7  0.00997 B    
#>  7  1993 LTB      93LTB27           27.6     -82.7  0.0125  B    
#>  8  1993 LTB      93LTB28           27.6     -82.7  0.0887  D    
#>  9  1993 LTB      93LTB29           27.6     -82.6  0.0350  C    
#> 10  1993 LTB      93LTB30           27.6     -82.6  0.0496  C    
#> # ℹ 2,267 more rows