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Get Tampa Bay Benthic Index scores





nested tibble formatted from read_importbenthic


A single data frame of TBBI scores for each site.


This function calculates scores for the TBBI based on station, taxa, and field sample data. The total TBBI scores are returned as TBBI and TBBICat, where the latter is a categorical description of the scores.


#> # A tibble: 4,851 × 15
#>    StationID StationNumber AreaAbbr FundingProject ProgramID ProgramName       
#>        <int> <chr>         <chr>    <chr>              <int> <chr>             
#>  1       448 02BBs301      MTB      Apollo Beach           4 Benthic Monitoring
#>  2       449 02BBs305      MTB      Apollo Beach           4 Benthic Monitoring
#>  3       450 02BBs307      MTB      Apollo Beach           4 Benthic Monitoring
#>  4       451 02BBs364      MTB      Apollo Beach           4 Benthic Monitoring
#>  5       452 02BBs369      MTB      Apollo Beach           4 Benthic Monitoring
#>  6       453 02BBs395      MTB      Apollo Beach           4 Benthic Monitoring
#>  7       454 02BBs397      MTB      Apollo Beach           4 Benthic Monitoring
#>  8       455 02BBs398      MTB      Apollo Beach           4 Benthic Monitoring
#>  9       456 02BBs401      MTB      Apollo Beach           4 Benthic Monitoring
#> 10       457 02BBs402      MTB      Apollo Beach           4 Benthic Monitoring
#> # ℹ 4,841 more rows
#> # ℹ 9 more variables: Latitude <dbl>, Longitude <dbl>, date <date>, yr <dbl>,
#> #   TotalAbundance <dbl>, SpeciesRichness <dbl>, TBBI <dbl>, TBBICat <chr>,
#> #   Salinity <dbl>