Estimate tidal creek report card scores
- tidalcreeks
object for population of tidal creeks- iwrraw
FDEP impaired waters data base as
- tidtrgs
for tidal creek nitrogen targets, defaults totidaltargets
- yr
numeric for reference year to evaluate, scores are based on the planning period beginning ten years prior to this date
A data.frame
with the report card scores for each creek, as prioritize, investigate, caution, monitor, or no data
anlz_tdlcrk(tidalcreeks, iwrraw, yr = 2024)
#> # A tibble: 620 × 10
#> id wbid JEI name class monitor caution investigate prioritize score
#> <int> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <chr>
#> 1 1 1983B CC01 Rock Cr… 2 1 NA NA NA Moni…
#> 2 2 2052 CC01 Rock Cr… 3M 10 NA NA NA Moni…
#> 3 3 1983B CC02 Oyster … 2 NA NA NA NA No D…
#> 4 4 2067 CC02 Oyster … 3M 10 NA NA NA Moni…
#> 5 5 1983B CC03 Buck Cr… 2 NA NA NA NA No D…
#> 6 6 2068A CC03 Buck Cr… 3M 9 1 NA NA Moni…
#> 7 7 2078A CC04 Buck Cr… 2 NA NA 1 NA Inve…
#> 8 8 2078A CC05 Coral C… 2 NA NA NA NA No D…
#> 9 9 2078B CC05 Coral C… 2 6 NA NA NA Moni…
#> 10 10 2065C CC06 Catfish… 2 2 NA NA NA Moni…
#> # ℹ 610 more rows