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Estimate tidal creek water quality indicators to support report card scores


anlz_tdlcrkindic(tidalcreeks, iwrraw, yr = 2023, radar = FALSE)



sf object for population of tidal creeks


FDEP impaired waters rule data base as data.frame


numeric for reference year to evaluate, scores are based on the planning period beginning ten years prior to this date


logical indicating if output is for show_tdlcrkradar, see details


A data.frame with the indicator values for each tidal creek


Annual geometric means for additional water quality data available at each wbid, JEI combination. Florida trophic state index values are also estimated where data are available.

Nitrogen ratios are estimated for JEIs that cover source (upstream, freshwater) and tidal (downstream) WBIDs, defined as the ratio of concentrations between the two (i.e., ratios > 1 mean source has higher concentrations). Nitrogen ratios for a given year reflect the ratio of the median nitrogen concentrations when they were measured in both a source and tidal segment during the same day. Note that a ratio of one can be obtained if both the source and tidal segments are at minimum detection.

Indicators for years where more than 10% of observations exceed DO saturation criteria are also estimated. The do_bnml and do_prop columns show a 1 or 0 for a given year to indicate if more than ten percent of observations were below DO percent saturation of 42. The first column is based on a binomial probability exceedance that takes into account the number of observations in the year and the second column is based on a simple proportional estimate from the raw data.

If radar = TRUE, output is returned in a format for use with show_tdlcrkradar Specifically, results are calculated as the percentage of years where an indicator exceeds a relevant threshold. This only applies to the marine WBIDs of the tidal creeks (Florida DEP class 2, 3M). Six indicators are returned with percentage exceedances based on total nitrogen (tn_ind) greater than 1.1 mg/L, chlorophyll (chla_ind) greater than 11 ug/L, trophic state index (tsi_ind) greater than 55 (out of 100), nitrate/nitrite ratio between marine and upstream segments (nox_ind) greater than one, chlorophyll and total nitrogen ratios > 15, and percentage of years more where than ten percent of observations were below DO percent saturation of 42.


dat <- anlz_tdlcrkindic(tidalcreeks, iwrraw, yr = 2023)
#>   id       name  JEI wbid class year    CHLAC    COLOR COND       DO    DOSAT
#> 1  2 Rock Creek CC01 2052    3M 2014 2.380249 14.69473   NA 3.308289 60.31523
#> 2  2 Rock Creek CC01 2052    3M 2015 2.647817 21.91113   NA 4.034172 55.41609
#> 3  2 Rock Creek CC01 2052    3M 2016 2.265462 19.13080   NA 3.980251 55.96637
#> 4  2 Rock Creek CC01 2052    3M 2017 2.851726 15.39576   NA 4.157777 60.18017
#> 5  2 Rock Creek CC01 2052    3M 2018 1.934899 11.65500   NA 4.219790 63.32630
#> 6  2 Rock Creek CC01 2052    3M 2019 2.071003  7.21425   NA 3.015847 44.90322
#>          NO23 ORGN    SALIN       TKN        TN         TP TSS     TURB
#> 1 0.007575792   NA 26.63714 0.6161702 0.6228782 0.06938150  NA 2.044623
#> 2 0.009361504   NA 19.10494 0.6465161 0.5678241 0.07602770  NA 1.814818
#> 3 0.008532522   NA 25.84531 0.5813818 0.5408161 0.08330509  NA 2.082253
#> 4 0.007447260   NA 24.86909 0.6255197 0.6326848 0.07566682  NA 1.802161
#> 5 0.006994714   NA 31.32419 0.5668727 0.5734574 0.07432007  NA 2.454007
#> 6 0.007047106   NA 31.63214 0.5053022 0.4577485 0.06300538  NA 1.831953
#>   chla_tn_ratio tn_tp_ratio chla_tsi   tn_tsi  tn2_tsi   tp_tsi  tp2_tsi
#> 1      3.821371    8.977584 29.28775 46.62660 49.42526 60.45694 76.25504
#> 2      4.663093    7.468648 30.82179 44.79432 47.43600 62.15842 78.41391
#> 3      4.188970    6.491994 28.57601 43.82942 46.38844 63.85868 80.57123
#> 4      4.507341    8.361456 31.89011 46.93590 49.76107 62.06992 78.30162
#> 5      3.374095    7.716050 26.30480 44.98978 47.64821 61.73589 77.87779
#> 6      4.524324    7.265229 27.28367 40.52758 42.80384 58.66389 73.97999
#>    nut_tsi      tsi no23_source no23_tidal no23_ratio do_bnml do_prop
#> 1 49.42526 39.35651          NA         NA         NA       0       1
#> 2 47.43600 39.12890          NA         NA         NA       0       1
#> 3 46.38844 37.48223          NA         NA         NA       0       1
#> 4 49.76107 40.82559          NA         NA         NA       0       0
#> 5 47.64821 36.97650          NA         NA         NA       0       1
#> 6 42.80384 35.04375          NA         NA         NA       1       1