Get attainment categories for a chosen year
- epcdata
data frame of epc data returned by
- yrsel
numeric indicating chosen year
- partialyr
logical indicating if incomplete annual data for the most recent year are approximated by five year monthly averages for each parameter
A data.frame
for the chosen year and all bay segments showing the bay segment averages for chloropyll concentration, light attenuations, segment targets, and attainment categories.
# defaults to current year
anlz_yrattain(epcdata, yrsel = 2024)
#> # A tibble: 4 × 6
#> bay_segment chla_val chla_target la_val la_target outcome
#> <fct> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <chr>
#> 1 OTB 8.76 8.5 0.673 0.83 green
#> 2 HB 10.7 13.2 0.880 1.58 green
#> 3 MTB 7.75 7.4 0.610 0.83 green
#> 4 LTB 4.59 4.6 0.686 0.63 yellow