Plot Tampa Bay Nekton Index scores over time by bay segment
Plot Tampa Bay Nekton Index scores over time by bay segment
- tbniscr
input dat frame as returned by
- bay_segment
chr string for the bay segment, one to many of "OTB", "HB", "MTB", "LTB"
- perc
numeric values indicating break points for score categories
- alph
numeric indicating alpha value for score category colors
- ylim
numeric for y axis limits
- rev
logical if factor levels for bay segments are reversed
- plotly
logical if matrix is created using plotly
- family
optional chr string indicating font family for text labels
- width
numeric for width of the plot in pixels, only applies of
plotly = TRUE
- height
numeric for height of the plot in pixels, only applies of
plotly = TRUE
A ggplot
object showing trends over time in TBNI scores for each bay segment or a plotly
object if plotly = TRUE
tbniscr <- anlz_tbniscr(fimdata)