Add contaminant totals to sediment data
- sedimentdata
input sediment
as returned byread_importsediment
- yrrng
numeric vector indicating min, max years to include, use single year for one year of data
- bay_segment
chr string for the bay segment, one to many of "HB", "OTB", "MTB", "LTB", "TCB", "MR", "BCB"
- funding_proj
chr string for the funding project, one to many of "TBEP" (default), "TBEP-Special", "Apollo Beach", "Janicki Contract", "Rivers", "Tidal Streams"
- param
optional character string of a parameter to filter the results
- pelave
logical indicating if output is used for
A data.frame
object similar to the input, but filtered by the arguments and contaminant totals added. Replicate samples are also removed.
This function adds totals to the sedimentdata
input for total PCBs, total DDT, total LMW PAH, total HMW PAH, and total PAH. Appropriate TEL/PEL values for the totals are also added.
#> # A tibble: 64,008 × 24
#> ProgramId ProgramName FundingProject yr AreaAbbr StationID StationNumber
#> <int> <chr> <chr> <int> <chr> <int> <chr>
#> 1 4 Benthic Moni… TBEP 1993 HB 2463 93HB15
#> 2 4 Benthic Moni… TBEP 1993 HB 2463 93HB15
#> 3 4 Benthic Moni… TBEP 1993 HB 2463 93HB15
#> 4 4 Benthic Moni… TBEP 1993 HB 2463 93HB15
#> 5 4 Benthic Moni… TBEP 1993 HB 2463 93HB15
#> 6 4 Benthic Moni… TBEP 1993 HB 2463 93HB15
#> 7 4 Benthic Moni… TBEP 1993 HB 2463 93HB15
#> 8 4 Benthic Moni… TBEP 1993 HB 2463 93HB15
#> 9 4 Benthic Moni… TBEP 1993 HB 2463 93HB15
#> 10 4 Benthic Moni… TBEP 1993 HB 2464 93HB16
#> # ℹ 63,998 more rows
#> # ℹ 17 more variables: Latitude <dbl>, Longitude <dbl>, Replicate <chr>,
#> # SedResultsType <chr>, Parameter <chr>, ValueAdjusted <dbl>, Units <chr>,
#> # Qualifier <chr>, MDLnum <dbl>, PQLnum <dbl>, TEL <dbl>, PEL <dbl>,
#> # BetweenTELPEL <chr>, ExceedsPEL <chr>, PELRatio <dbl>,
#> # PreparationDate <chr>, AnalysisTimeMerge <chr>