Get average concentrations for a sediment parameter by bay segment
Get average concentrations for a sediment parameter by bay segment
- sedimentdata
input sediment
as returned byread_importsediment
- yrrng
numeric vector indicating min, max years to include, use single year for one year of data
- bay_segment
chr string for the bay segment, one to many of "HB", "OTB", "MTB", "LTB", "TCB", "MR", "BCB"
- funding_proj
chr string for the funding project, one to many of "TBEP" (default), "TBEP-Special", "Apollo Beach", "Janicki Contract", "Rivers", "Tidal Streams"
Summaries for all bay segments are returned by default. The averages and confidence intervals are specific to the year ranges in yrrng
#> # A tibble: 7 × 5
#> AreaAbbr ave lov hiv grandave
#> <fct> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 BCB 0.0527 0.0439 0.0615 0.0517
#> 2 HB 0.116 0.0655 0.166 0.0517
#> 3 LTB 0.0280 0.0247 0.0314 0.0517
#> 4 MR 0.0447 0.0378 0.0515 0.0517
#> 5 MTB 0.0370 0.0324 0.0417 0.0517
#> 6 OTB 0.0499 0.0366 0.0632 0.0517
#> 7 TCB 0.0337 0.0265 0.0408 0.0517