Get annual averages of seagrass frequency occurrence by bay segments, year, and species
Get annual averages of seagrass frequency occurrence by bay segments, year, and species
- transectocc
data frame returned by
- bay_segment
chr string for the bay segment, one to many of "OTB", "HB", "MTB", "LTB", "BCB"
- yrrng
numeric indicating year ranges to evaluate
- species
chr string of species to summarize, one to many of "Halodule", "Syringodium", "Thalassia", "Ruppia", "Halophila", "Caulerpa", "Dapis", "Chaetomorpha"
- total
logical indicating if total frequency occurrence for all species is also returned
- by_seg
logical indicating if separate results by bay segments are retained
Frequency occurrence estimates are averaged across segments in bay_segment
if by_seg = F
, i.e., separate results by location are not returned. Results are retained by bay segment if by_seg = T
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
transect <- read_transect()
} # }
transectocc <- anlz_transectocc(transect)
#> # A tibble: 243 × 3
#> yr Savspecies foest
#> <dbl> <fct> <dbl>
#> 1 1998 Caulerpa 0.0166
#> 2 1998 Chaetomorpha 0
#> 3 1998 Dapis 0
#> 4 1998 Halodule 0.361
#> 5 1998 Halophila 0
#> 6 1998 Ruppia 0.0112
#> 7 1998 Syringodium 0.0451
#> 8 1998 Thalassia 0.254
#> 9 1998 total 0.580
#> 10 1999 Caulerpa 0.0277
#> # ℹ 233 more rows