Manatee County FIB data as of 20250211
A data frame with 1616 rows and 13 variables:
- manco_station
chr, Station name
- SampleTime
POSIXct, Date/time of sampling
- class
chr, Waterbody class (
)- yr
num, Year of sampling
- mo
num, Month of sampling
- Latitude
num, Latitude, WGS84
- Longitude
num, Latitude, WGS84
- Sample_Depth_m
num, Depth of sample, meters
- var
chr, Variable name (
- val
num, Value of variable
- uni
num, Units of variable
- qual
num, Qualifier code
- area
chr, Location name based on USF Water Alas waterbody name
This dataset includes FIB data from Manatee County Department of Natural Resources where station class is marine (estuary) and Enterococcus data is present or the station class is freshwater (stream/river, reservoir) and E. coli data is present. The data is formatted from the raw data loaded from read_importwqp
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
mancofibdata <- read_importwqp('21FLMANA_WQX', type = 'fib')
save(mancofibdata, file = 'data/mancofibdata.RData', compress = 'xz')
} # }